Limbo Lounge (2007) 10’
6 trombones (2A, 2T, B, CB)
written for: New Trombone Collective,
first performance: Gergiev Festival, Rotterdam,
september 2008
Commissioned by the Fonds Scheppende Toonkunst.
This is a bit of a showoff piece of what trombones can do,
traveling from fragile chamber music to triphoppy beats to
flamenco to techno with a balkan edge. Brass was completely
alien to me when I started composing, but thanks to guys
like the NTC and the Volharding, I write for brass with
great pleasure now.
The title means basically "Hell ain't a bad place to be",
and the initial creepiness soon transforms to some kind of
infernal party mood.
listen: Limbo
Lounge clip